Pipe blockage detection
By installing pressure and flow monitoring equipment at accessible locations over the length of a rising main we can help identify the nature of a blockage and its location. Flowcheck has been commissioned by Water Utility companies on numerous occasions to identify the location of blockages using this technique. On each occasion we have successfully found the cause of the problem and the Water Utility company has avoided excessive remedial works costs.
Blockages in rising mains can be very problematic and are often only realised when a pumping station is failing to deliver the required flow rates. On sewage pumping stations this usually becomes apparent when the pumps cannot beat the incoming flow rate.
Blockages can be caused by:
- A build up of solids over the length of the pipe
- A build up of solids at a single location
- Air locks
By monitoring the pressures at locations over the length of the rising main we are able to help determine the location and nature of the problem. This enables our clients to confidently devise the most cost effective solution to remove the blockage.